Room 5

Room 5 is a Year 3 class with 26 students.  We are energetic, chatty and love to learn.  Our teacher is Miss Simson who guides us in our learning and ensures that we have fun.  We are fortunate to have Mrs Ryan to help us on some afternoons.  Room 11 children are our kind and helpful Buddy class.

Our class treaty shows that we want our class to be a kind, friendly and safe place.  The library is next to our room and we love going to see our librarian, every Wednesday who reads us great stories and reminds us how to take care of books.  All of us enjoy sports and PE each week.

Each of us are developing our skills in reading, writing and maths which is exciting.  We are growing in independence as we get used to our class routines.  Each one is progressing in our ‘EPIC’ gospel values learning to have empathy, perseverance, integrity and creativity.  2021 is going to be an awesome year of growth for all of us!