Room 12

Room 12 is a class of 25 amazing Yr 7 & 8 students and their teacher is Paul Cunningham.  They are a hardworking group of students and very supportive of each other.

Room 12 works closely with the other Intermediate classes, Rooms 11&13, and often do activities together. We have developed a fierce dodgeball competition between the classes. We work using a task system, so the students are given a timetable and set of tasks to be completed by the end of the week. They can complete the tasks whenever they don’t have a whole-class or a group lesson, or at home. This helps the students to develop independence and time-management skills.

On Wednesday afternoons we go to Mt Cook School with the rest of the Year 7 & 8s to do Technology. We rotate through cooking, sewing, woodwork, robotics and design classes.

Students in the Kauri Syndicate take on a lot of leadership roles within the school. They often give up their lunchtimes to help others, organise events and keep the school running smoothly. We are very proud of our Intermediate students and are grateful for their hard work and service to the school.

Check out the Kauri Syndicate blog for more up-to-date information on what we are doing!