After School Care Progamme

The school operates an After School Care Programme every day that the school is open. It runs from 2.50 until 6.00pm. Our supervisor is Ms  Donna Wilson. Email:

We are able to take up to 60 students each day. Casuals are taken daily provided that day is not full with permanent bookings. To secure a place booking is essential as we currently have wait lists on most days.

Policies and Procedures

Please see the supervisor if you wish to view a hard copy our Policies and Procedures. It contains detailed information on health and safety, making complaints, employment practices, etc. A soft copy version can be read by clicking on the following link below.

Enrolment Form and Information

Parents wishing to have their child(ren) enrolled in the ASC programme are asked to complete an enrolment form (see directly below). Families with more than one child may use the same form. Please pass on the completed form to the ASC programme supervisor or email it directly to

After checking for available space, the ASC programme supervisor will inform you directly if we can accommodate your request for enrolment.

Wait-List Criteria

If there is no space available on the day(s) you are requesting, then your child’s/children’s name will go onto our Wait List once an application form is completed and handed to the After School Care Programme Supervisor. Clearly state which days you are requesting, and your preferred start date. If you have an end date, do record it as this is helpful information.

Priority is given to siblings, and students already in the programme looking to change days. After that a “first in, first served, and as space permits” policy will apply. This is carried out in a fair manner and by moving names up the queue as space becomes available. In the event a student is offered a place for a day(s) and they are unable to take it, the place shall be offered to the next person on the Wait List and so on until the position is filled.

The school operates separate Wait Lists for each day of the week. Students who are offered but decline a place will be removed from the wait-list(s) for the day(s) they have declined. This will not affect your place on the wait-lists for other days. If you wish to return to the Wait List for a day(s) you have declined, you will need to indicate this by completing a new application for that day(s).

You will be informed as soon as a space becomes available. Unfortunately, we are unable to guarantee a place, or predict when a place will become available. Please note that your child(ren) may not be accepted into the programme on all of your requested days. If you no longer require a place on the Wait List, it is helpful for us to know in order to keep the list accurate.


We will provide afternoon tea.  Please ensure that your child does not bring sweets or “junk” food.


Once your child’s name is on the roll, we expect him/her to be at the programme unless we have been notified by the parent/caregiver. Making a quick phone call to the school office (telephone 479-6878) before 2.30pm easily does this. If we have not been notified and your child does not arrive at the ASC programme we do everything we can to locate her/him including: calling you and your list of emergency contacts to ascertain your child’s whereabouts. Your child’s safety is paramount to us.

Signing your child in and out

Each day when you collect your child, it is essential that you sign your child out in the daily roll book.  The supervisor will show you where this is.  We need to know that your child has gone home safely.


1 child until 4.30pm = $16.80 per day = $84 per week
2 children until 4.30pm = $24.15 per day = $120.75 per week
3 children until 4.30pm = $29.40 per day = $147 per week

1 child until 6.00pm = $21 per day = $105 per week
2 children until 6.00pm = $30.45 per day = $152.25 per week
3 children until 6.00pm = $37.80 per day = $189 per week

To operate efficiently we require that fees be paid either on time, fortnightly or monthly. A receipt will be issued upon payment. Families using the ASC programme on a casual basis must pay when collecting the children. If you are paying with cash, please see the supervisor for a receipt on the day you pay.

Confidentality and the Privacy Act 2020

The programme will ensure staff, student and parent confidentiality. At all times the programme will comply with the requirements of the Privacy Act 2020 and the school’s policy on privacy.

All forms, such as enrolment and staff information forms, state why information is collected and what will be done with the information.

No information is shared except with the owner’s permission or as required by legislation, for example, The Health and Safety Act. All files holding confidential information will be duly secured and kept away from the access of unauthorised persons.

All personal information shared in discussions between staff or at meetings is to remain between those persons.

All sensitive and personal conversations including telephone conversations shall be held discreetly and in private, such as the school’s office, reading recovery room or the library’s resource room.

Behaviour Management

We use behaviour management techniques that encourage positive self-esteem development. It is our goal to ensure that students and families experience an environment where they are safe, secure, respected and one in which their dignity is protected. This is done through the use of positive reinforcement and by creating a stimulating and varied programme to ensure against boredom. Every effort is made to help your child settle into the programme. If a student’s behaviour is consistently disrespectful and/or harmful to others then parents will be asked to remove him/her from the programme.


Our staff members are trained to deal with emergencies.  In the case of a serious accident involving your child the staff will contact you and take your child to the nearest medical facility.  In a civil emergency the staff will remain at the centre until all the children are collected.

Contact Information

Please inform the ASC staff or the School Office of any relevant changes to your enrolment details. It is vital that we have up-to-date information in cases of emergency or otherwise.


Parents will be informed before any students are taken on outings. You will be asked to complete a permission slip. Whenever the group leaves the school, a note will be left informing callers of its whereabouts.

Child Safety

The programme has a detailed Child Protection policy, which includes the reporting of any suspected child abuse to Oranga Tamariki.


The programme has a complaints’ procedure that we follow. If you have any problems please approach the supervisor in the first instance. For those who remain unsatisfied with the initial outcome, the school principal is then available to meet with you should you require it.

Sick Children

Please do not send along sick children, as we do not have the facilities to care for them. If a child becomes ill during programme hours, parents will be called and asked to collect them.

Late Fees

Children need to be picked up before 6.00pm so the school can be closed and security set by 6.00pm. Children not picked up by 6.00pm will be minded and a late fee will be charged. The charge for this will be as follows: 6:00pm-6:15pm a $20.00 flat fee. Then an additional $10.00 every 5 minutes after 6:15pm.

To avoid confusion the school bell rings at 6:00pm and again at 6:15pm to indicate the late payment time periods.

In the event that a student has not been collected by 6:15pm and no phone call has been received to explain the situation, the emergency contact person listed for that student will be telephoned and asked to collect them.

The Board reserves the right to cancel the After School Care Agreement with parents who repeatedly arrive late to collect their children, and those whose behaviour continues to be an ongoing issue despite support being given and meetings being held with the parent(s).

If you have any queries or concerns, the Supervisor is always available to speak with you.

We look forward to getting to know you and your child(ren).

Ms Donna Wilson

St Benedict’s After School Care Supervisor