Inducting and Reporting to Parents

Before Commencing St Benedict’s School:

  • The Principal meets with all new families and new students.
  • If starting at the beginning of a school year, all new families are invited to the St Benedict’s School induction day (the day before the new school year commences). On this day all new families and students are given an opportunity to meet with their teacher and see their classroom before starting school.
  • Two Thursday visits are scheduled prior to commencing school for all New Entrant and Year 1 Students.

Term 1

Week 3                       Parent Information Evening to discuss the year’s organisation.

Week 4                        Goal Setting Interviews Year 1-8.

Term 2

Week 9                        Years 1-8 Parent/Teacher Interviews with Action Plan report.

Term 3                        No formal reporting.

Term 4

Week 9                        Years 1-8 End of Year reports sent out.

Ongoing                     Informal meetings/check-ins between teacher and parent

                                    *New Entrant/Year 1 Six-Week Interviews                                    

Year-end transition meetings

                                    Parent feedback of Six-Year Net testing

*When the Six-Week Interview occurs in a report writing term (i.e. Terms 2&4), they supersede that term’s written report.