Six-Year Net Information

Six-Year Net Information for Parents of Children turning Six-Years Old

The Six Year Net is a set of tests given to students on or shortly following  their sixth birthday. The assessment is administered one-on-one by a teacher, and is a useful assessment tool that leaves teachers with detailed data on each child’s knowledge and skills in reading and writing.

At St Benedict’s School, we use the results to:

  1. Inform teaching and address the needs of students.
  2. Help identify students that would benefit from specialist remedial help. An example of this could include Reading Recovery.

The Six Year Net assesses a student on six areas of literacy:

  1. Their understanding of how books ‘work’; including their understanding of specific concepts about print.
  2. The strategies that they employ when reading. 
  3. Their use of letters and their sounds when reading and writing.
  4. Their fluency, phrasing and expression when reading.
  5. Their ability to read commonly occurring words (high frequency words).
  6. The extent of their writing vocabulary.

Parent Information: After your child’s sixth birthday, you will be contacted by the teacher who completed their Six-Year Net and will be invited to meet with them to discuss the results. The Six-Year Net assessment is then held by the school in a student’s cumulative record of progress and achievement.