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St Benedict's School Newsletter No.12
Tuesday 1st May 2018

50 Nicholson Road, Khandallah 6035
School Phone No: (04) 479 6878
Student Absence Phone No: (04) 939 3878


Upcoming Key Dates

02  Rooms 4&9 Mass (St Benedict's Church @ 9:15am)
07  New Zealand Sign Language Week 
08  Animal Control Talk (Hutt City Council) 9:00am - 11:45am (Year 1-5)
09  Rooms 5&10 Mass (St Benedict's Church @ 9:15am)
09  Animal Control Talk (Hutt City Council) 9:00am - 11:45am (Year 6-8)

16  Rooms 6&11 Mass (St Benedict's Church @ 9:15am)
16  St Pat's Rector visits Year 8 students (1:30pm)
16  School Cross Country practice
17  Otago Maths Problem Solving (Year 7-8)
17  Vet visiting Manuka Syndicate (1:45pm)

18  Year 7&8 immunisations (Boostrix and Gardasil)

Click here to view the full school calendar.

Click here to visit the school website page for information on community notices, lunch orders and the student road patrol roster.

Click here to visit the school blog for photos and updates on activities and initiatives.

News of the Week
Dear Parents, Carers, Staff and Students,

If you're reading this message, then congratulations - you've successfully opened our inaugural online newsletter. Please enjoy!

Welcome back! The sound of the 8:50am bell yesterday signalled the commencement of Term 2, and with it the school's classrooms, corridors and playgrounds roared back into life; what a sight and sound it was - just magnificent.

We welcome the following students and their families into our school's community. Mrs Miller and the students of Room 2: Kayla Matuszewski, Jacob Clark, Harrison Tocker, Molly Reeves, George Foskett, Ben Gartrell and Zachary Gartrell.

Term 2 - in all its Glory; What's in Store?
It would seem that every term in a modern schooling world appears action packed and the one our teachers and staff have planned is showing no signs of reversing this trend. Many thanks to our staff who go the extra mile to ensure that your children are exposed to a wide variety of experiences which help nurture their faith, minds and interests - in essence we're each helping develop holistic, well-rounded students. Click here to access a full calendar overview of the Term 2 dates, activities, initiatives, masses and trips.

Embroidered School Logo and Motto Internal Mat Arrives - Thanks HoK
Thank you to our supportive HoK team who recently funded the purchase of a new St Benedict's School mat complete with our embroidered school logo and motto. This mat has added further value to our foyer area and will greet both visitors and the school community upon arrival to the school. Photo on our school blog!

World Asthma Day - Tuesday 1st May, Marketing and Communications Advisor Mrs Vicky Jones writes:
On behalf of the Asthma and Respiratory Foundation NZ team a big thank you to everyone at St Benedict's School for today’s enthusiastic participation in the World Asthma Day activities. Staff and students had a wonderful morning and we learnt a lot more about asthma and breathing in general. The photography and video footage acquired from Rooms 8, 9 and 10 along with the whole school photo speak volumes of the school's commitment to education. As promised, there will be a no cost to you child-friendly asthma educational show in school in Term 3 to follow up on World Asthma Day. For parents and teachers to learn more please visit the new website

Mission Fair – Wednesday 11th April, Mrs Cheryl Taylor writes:
On Wednesday 11th April we held our annual Mission Fair, a fundraiser led by the House Captains to raise money for a selected charity (usually Caritas).  Every student in Year 6-8 joined a group and together they planned and instigated a fundraising activity. As usual, this was a real hit with the students and all were seen having a wonderful time on the day.  This year we raised $1,879.00 for Caritas.  A great effort.  Well done everyone who took part either by baking, purchasing ingredients, making crafts etc. and of course to those who purchased the goods.  We are very proud of the efforts of the Year 6-8 students.  They worked hard on their business venture and all contributed to this amazing event. Michael Stewart from Caritas will be attending our school assembly on Monday 21st May to collect the cheque from our House Captains.

FUTSAL Tournament Report – Tuesday 10th & Thursday 12th April - Mr Jared Bath writes:
Primary Sport Wellington held the Futsal Festival, at the ASB Sports Centre in the last week of Term 2. St Benedict's School was well represented with over 100 students participating. Our students played positively and I was very proud of their 'fair play' attitudes:  We received many positive comments from other spectators on our students' behaviour and manners. A special thank you to the parents and grandparents that were able to attend and supervise. We couldn't do it without your support.

Grace and blessings,
Michael Hinds

Weekly Reflection

"The fullness of Joy is to behold God in everything." 

 Julian of Norwich 1342-1416 (English Christian mystic and author of "Revelations of Divine Love") 
Sports Coordinator Mr Bath Writes...

CROSS COUNTRY  (Years 3-8)

To prepare for our upcoming cross country events we ask that you remind your child/ren to bring suitable running shoes on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

SWIMMING (Years 3-8)
Swimming lessons begin next Thursday and will continue each Thursday through to week 9.  Students are to wear their P.E. uniforms to school.  Please also remember to name their towel, togs, googles etc.
Student Achievement
Last weekend Elliot Faulkner (Room 11) competed in the North Island Secondary Schools Orienteering Championship which included Years 7&8. Being part of a relay in such a big event was a new experience for Elliot; this included finding his way in amongst complicated buildings (Kapiti College) and sand dunes covered in pine forest (at Waitarere). Well done Elliot for your perseverance and achievement.
Student Voice - Mystery Reporter
This week our mystery reporter asked the students what they enjoyed most about their holidays...

Staying at home and getting to sleep in late (TJ, Room 11)
Playing video games at my friend's house (Migs, Room 7)
Going to a beach house at Riversdale Beach (Zac, Room 7)
Watching Infinity War and Black Panther (Alex, Room 4)
Playing and swimming and visiting the beach with my cousins (Jacob, Room 12)
Playing with my neighbours on our bikes and knitting (Tafadzwa, Room 6)
Playing in my basketball club at Onslow College (Joaquin, Room 11)
House Points Update
1st - Murphy (732 points)
2nd - Ngatoto (710 points)
3rd - Evans (694 points)
4th - Brigidine (645 points)
Sports Notices

Kelly Sports are back this Term 2 with their fun and exciting classes. “Wicked Winter Sports” (Yrs 1-4) – Tuesday 3.05pm – 4.05pm. 
Come and try Football, Basketball, Hockey and Volleyball. Try two weeks each of these sports. We use games & drills to teach game sense and team play. It’s a great way to try new sports, learn new skills and improve ability. We use games and drills to teach game sense and team play. Learn the fundamental skills for all sports: throwing, running, jumping, striking, balance and many more – all while having a great time! For full details and to enrol into our programmes visit: email or call 04 972 7201.
Solar Energy at St Benedict's School
Over the past seven days the solar panels on the Tui Building roof generated 79.9kWh of solar energy and saved 188.9gs of Co2. As a school-gen school, our solar energy page can be viewed by clicking here

Help our Kids (HoK Notices)

HOK Notices
HOK Meeting – Monday, 7 May
The next HOK meeting is 7.30pm, Monday 7 May in the staff room.  All welcome!
Movie Night – Friday, 29 June
Mark the date! A movie night at the school; with a movie for years 1-4 and then years 5-8. More details to come . . .
Entertainment Book 2018/2019
$65 for deals around Wellington on restaurants (including Khandallah Trading Company and the Cashmere Lounge), cafes, take aways, tourist and educational hot spots, garden centres and more!  Books for other locations also available.
Each book sold raises $13 towards the landscaping and rebuilding of the upper play and bank area at St Benedicts School. Let friends and family know also.
Order your book or digital membership (can be accessed from 2 phones) now – at  or the school office 
Any queries, please contact Nikki Mazur on 027241 2282 or email

Any questions, ideas or feedback, please email:

Click here to access the HoK webpage

Board of Trustees Information

Click here to access the Board of Trustees Webpage.
Your St Benedict's School Proprietor’s appointees on the St Benedict’s School Board of Trustees are Angela Houston, Ruth Burns, Jane Wellik and Father Doug Shepherd.

The Proprietor’s appointees have full Board rights and responsibilities, as well as the additional obligations to:
  • Ensure the school fulfils it’s primary purpose of giving a Catholic Education and maintains its special character
  • Support the staff in Religious Education, curriculum and training
  • Communicate with The Proprietor (Archbishop)
  • Ensure the Building and property are kept in good order
  • Build and nurture close relationships between school and the parish community.
If you have any questions please contact one of the Proprietor’s appointees as named above.
ASB School Banking

Has your child been registered for School Banking? If not please ask at the office for a form to sign up for their Head Start Saving Account. Once your child has been registered they will receive a Kid’s School Banking pack which will include a calculator, savings diary and deposit envelopes to help them get started. For easy and convenient banking for your child, the ASB has provided a Deposit Drop Box in the office area where your child can make their regular savings deposit. Emma McCallum (Finance Manager).

Term 2 Parent Road Control Duty
Week 1    
Monday 30 April Medalla family
Tuesday 01 May Mejia-Moreno family
Wednesday 02 May Murphy family
Thursday 03 May Novilla family
Friday 04 May O’Brien family

Week 2    
Monday 07 May O'Reilly family
Tuesday 08 May Pedro family
Wednesday 09 May Peet family
Thursday 10 May Powesland family
Friday 11 May Pieries family

Keyboard Lessons
Your child can learn how to play the keyboard at this school.
The lessons are run during school hours and all ages are welcome!
The Wellington Music Academy has been providing music lessons in the Wellington region for over 23 years. Our experienced and enthusiastic teachers will ensure all lessons are fun and appropriate for your child's level of musical development. Please contact the Music Academy at any time for more information and to book a place.
Phone: 0272115077 Email:
Website - click here
Our Generous School Sponsors
Please do support the companies and people who support our school
Mike Pero Real Estate (Marina Scoble 021 279 5444)
Quinovic Lambton Quay (Alex Khera 021 831 955)
Johnson and Wilkins Ltd ( - password Stbenspromo)
Jamie Reid Landscape and Garden Design (Jamie Reid 021 184 8618)
New World Khandallah and Mitre 10 Crofton Downs
Click here for our Community Notices
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